Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here

I’m Reta, a mother to two beautiful young boys, pharmacist, Whole30 coach, certified Aroma Yoga instructor, certified 200-hr yoga instructor, and I’m currently completing additional training and certification as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

All of us are on a journey in some way or another, and on different paths at various points in our life. My health and wellness journey began after I had my first son, and my life was changed forever in so many ways. Children are truly a blessing and I am so grateful that I was able to bring life into this world, but I was not at all prepared to deal with many of the other aspects of motherhood that I didn’t feel many people really talked about. My hormones were a mess, I was struggling with postpartum depression, and having been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis a few years prior was definitely a major factor in the chaos that was my health. As a pharmacist trained in Western medicine, I followed what I believed to be all the right protocols and saw my doctors regularly, tried various medications, and saw therapists…my labs all looked good but I still didn’t feel “right.” I felt hopeless and couldn’t figure out what was “wrong” with me.

It wasn’t until I was introduced to integrative and functional medicine a few years later that I realized I had other options. It’s been a long journey and one that I’m most definitely still on. Through my health and wellness journey, I’ve developed a passion for nutritional therapy and functional and holistic medicine, and I know I’m meant to help others through what I learn. I’m so excited to start this chapter of my life and combine my expertise and background as a pharmacist with holistic and whole-food nutritional therapy!

Degrees and Certifications

  • Doctorate of Pharmacy

  • Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences

  • Whole30 Coach

  • Aroma Yoga Teacher

  • RYT-200 Yoga Teacher

  • Nutritional Therapy Practitioner